About Des Donnelly

From 2011 to 2023 I was a Google Cloud Partner. I was also a Top Contributor, one of 3 in the world who were also Partners. Over the time I was also a Trusted Tester for ‘products’ that may never see the light of day.

I am now more or less retired and have the luxury of being able to spend an entire day reading about tech as opposed to fighting with it. What a relief / luxury!

2. My ‘People’

Perhaps some people may agree with my view that information should be free / freed. I've had a serious interest in and monitored AI/ML/Robotics for years. I started playing with OpenAI in the winter of 2022. I wrote my own prompt manual, launched it in the spring of 2023, and offered it as a free course via my tokenomics.ie.

On the writing front, I have written an amount of technical papers / analyses for clients over circa 40 years..

My view of Substack is that those who are tired of ads, plugins and SEO vicissitudes are gravitating here. I think the essential attraction is to engage with like-minded people.

3. Roll Out Specificity

I intend to post some in-depth research / viewpoint articles. In the medium term, I plan to settle down to one article a week or every fortnight or every month.

Free vs. paid is an interesting aspect. In the first instance, I will offer everything for free. Down the road, it may become attractive to offer specific long-form articles to paid subscribers as a newsletter.

Personally, I've been writing on nearly all the 'platforms' over the years. With so many updates on terms and so much to learn as platforms change, now I just want it as 'vanilla' as I can get.

4. Social Media

I worked feverishly on social media years ago, but I have no faith in it and actually think it is a form of virus. Although I have a couple of accounts dating back to 2007 or so, I don't think it's constructive to use those. I'm primarily a Substack-centric user. You can find me here now.

5. My Output

I have a degree of output by virtue of being sort of retired. I sometimes ask myself, "Am I really retired?" lol. The 'current projects' I am generating content for encompass the following:


  • Substack: ‘General’ AI articles/news from my intelliprompt.ie.

  • Substack: ‘Long form’ AI articles on my intellipromptlabs.com.

  • Prompt Engineering: Offerings on Tokenisation & Prompts originate from my tokenomics.ie.

  • Primary Site: Anything else will mostly link back to my primary dd.ie.

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AI and LLMs are transforming our daily lives. I offer a curated mix of articles and occasional opinion pieces that explore the latest advancements, applications, convergence and implications thereof.


28 years in internet tech + a large body of both technical & creative writing. My primary interest is prompt engineering. Although semi-retired, like an old rock band I'm tempted back for one more global tour, although that may be a hallucination ;-)